วันจันทร์ที่ 21 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

10 Brain Boosting Techniques To preclude Cognitive Decline

Restrictive Lung Diseases:

Brain health is the most important of all. This is why we should consolidate brain boosting techniques to forestall mental decline as the years roll by. This is very important because the brain is what lets us know who we are, and how we recapitulate to others.

When brain decline sets in, as in Alzheimer's disease, life for all practical purposes grinds to a halt. But there are sufficient brain boosting techniques we can apply to articulate brain power

1. Avoid Stress:

Restrictive Lung Diseases:10 Brain Boosting Techniques To preclude Cognitive Decline

Stress is a killer, literally. Not only can stress lead to depression, stress also is a risk factor for obesity and constriction of the arteries; these contribute to brain decline.

2. Exercise:

The benefits of exercises can not be over-emphasized. Not only do exercises help us age healthy, they also supervene in great circulation, bringing more nutrients to the brain.

3. mental Stimulation:

This is one of the brain boosting techniques that needs no explanation. Reading and writing are to the brain, what bodily workouts are to the muscles. Leaning new things and new skills are ways to boost brain efficiency.

4. Listen to good music:

Music is not just other brain boosting technique, it is an sufficient therapy for body and mind. It has been used for millennia to enhance over all health, cut blood pressure, and elevate mood.

5. Stop Smoking:

Smoking makes you stupid. Honestly!

Smoking poisons the blood, hardens and constricts arteries, thereby restricting blood flow to the brain. Smoking impairs lung function, severely reducing oxygen provide to the whole body.

5. Get adequate sleep:

Lack of sleep can impair brain health. Lack of sleep is a risk factor for irritability, and obesity. Obesity causes brain shrinkage!

6. Good nutrition:

One of the most important of the brain boosting techniques, is good nutrition. The brain like any other part of the body requires adequate nutrition. Good cusine is important for peak brain function. The brain consumes a disproportionate number of the body's energy. Without good nutrition, it cannot get adequate power to function efficiently.

7. Avoid sodas:

Ok, I know they are every where, but these are nothing but colored poisons. Sodas will leach calcium from your body. It, along with junk foods, fried foods, generate too many free radicals that can damage your brain. Sodas load your body with too much sugar and can predispose you to diabetes. Diabetes can adversely sway brain function.

8. Learn to juggle:

I know this sounds like a weird brain boosting method, but juggling increases your eye-hand co-ordination, balance, focus and concentration.

9. Relax:

High blood pressure impairs brain function. relaxation lowers blood pressure, calms the nerves, and can even relieve pain.

10. Contemplation:

Constantly examine and challenge your assumptions. This allows you to think deeper and see things more clearly, especially, from the perspective of others.

If you implement even a few of these brain boosting techniques, you'll be surprised at what improvements they can supervene in your cognitive power.

Restrictive Lung Diseases:10 Brain Boosting Techniques To preclude Cognitive Decline

