Pain in the left side of the body can be a sign of inflammation in one of the organs placed there. While we think about pain in one's breast of woman, the disease of breast cancer comes to mind, it does not choose the side it grows on. If pain is felt in the left side of the breast, it may be signify something else other than cancer.
The left side of the body has organs such as the lower end of the heart, the left lung, the stomach, part of the liver, the pancreas, the adrenal glands, spleen, parts of small and large intestines, left kidney and left side of reproductive organs, which are the left ovary and the left fallopian tube with part of the uterus in women and left testicle in men.
Pain in the left side will never point to appendicitis unless a man has situs inversus totalis. It means that it could be inflammation of the stomach, left lung, spleen, left kidney, ovary or the left side of the intestines.
Lower end of the heart is placed on the left side of our chest. The heart beats making a diastolic pressure pumping blood from the lowest part. This is the reason; heart beat is all the time sensed on the left breast. Acid reflux is one cause feeling pain in the left breast, it most known as heartburn. It gives a painful burning sensation in the esophagus which is just below our breastbone. This burning sensation can rise upwards to the throat, neck or jaw. A major symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease is heartburn. Acid reflux is also identified as one of the causes of lasting cough and may even imitate asthma.
Pain in the left side of the body can be because of pancreatitis, stomach ulcer or ovulation pain. Pancreatitis is a base health question having two types which are acute and chronic. In acute pancreatitis, the pain is sharp, short-lived and mostly severe. The pain can spread to the back or below the left shoulder blade. It is in general caused by alcoholism, gallstones and gallbladder disease. On the other hand, lasting pancreatitis is a corollary of extended alcohol abuse.
Heartburn does not sway the heart in any way despite its name. This name is given because of the theorize that the burning sensation is felt more intensely right where the heart should be. However, this pain is just referred from the actual location which is at the entrance to the stomach. Alternative treatments of heartburn do not require intake of drugs or restrictive diet but raising one's sleeping bed at a little angle so that the head is raised slightly higher than the feet. This angle prevents gastric acid from rising into the esophagus and causing the pain.
Pain in the left side can also be a sign of stomach ulcer. The stomach may have a hole in the lining of or the duodenum. Usual base symptoms of peptic ulcer are severe burning pain and pain in the abdominal area, nausea, vomiting food or blood and belching. Gastric ulcer creates pain that is commonly experienced shortly after meals, while in duodenal ulcer gives pain that is experienced in the middle of meals or when the stomach is empty. The pain decreases by taking antacids. Pain is generated from the ovulation of women when they do it once a month. This pain is called ovulation pain and it is a lower-abdominal pain. If pain increases then it is all the time great to go to the physician and have a faultless check-up.
Restrictive Lung Diseases:possible Reasons For Left Side and Breast Pain